Sunway Super App





In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:



“Account” or “Membership” means Member’s account containing details including Membership ID, Member’s Personal Information, record of accumulated Points and Points balance;


Electronic Equipment’ means the equipment provided by Sunway Points - or its assigned electronic equipment provider to the Merchant in respect of Programme such as tablet or Electronic Data Capture Terminal;

“Card” or “Cards” means the electronic transaction form factor, namely Sunway Super App Card (previously known as Sunway Pals)

“Member” or “Members” means individual(s) who has/have personally signed up, applied for and has/have been accepted by Sunway Points as participating member(s) of the Programme and granted SUNWAY SUPER APP Card (previously known as Sunway Pals) in accordance to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein;


“Membership Identification” means identification of membership (including Password, Member’s ID and PIN) under the Programme in accordance to these Terms and Conditions;


“Merchant” or “Merchants” means the participating merchant(s) of the Programme;


“Mobile Application” means the mobile application(s) owned and operated by Sunway Points in relation to Programme;


“Parking Credits” means the equivalent monetary value topped up by Member to be used for the payment of parking fees. For avoidance of doubt, the Parking Credits are different from and are stored separately from the Points and the account for Parking Credits is managed and operated by Mobile Money International Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 670766-W);


“Parking Services” means the parking services (including the Top Up services) provided to Members in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;


“Parking Transaction” means an electronic transaction generated using Card(s) to top up and pay for the parking fees;


“Car Park Operator “means the party accept the usage of Card(s) / Sunway Super App to pay the parking fees;


Programme or “SUNWAY SUPER APP means SUNWAY Points Loyalty Programme operated by Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd.;



“Sunway Point” or “Points” means the Points awarded to Members for redemption of purchases made at participating Merchants’ outlets under the Programme;

“Rewards” or ‘Loyalty Rewards” means the products, services, rewards, gifts or other benefits made available by Merchants under the Programme which may be redeemed by Members; it is now categorized as limited purpose e-money issuer (LP EMI) and fall under category 2/ item 2 of the Financial Services (Limited Purpose Electronic Money (Exemption) Order 2024.

Co-Branding” or “Co-Brand Programme means a product/ programme from strategic alliance or collaboration between business partners and Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd.

“SUNWAY Super App Card” or “the Card” means SUNWAY Points Loyalty Programme Membership Card incorporated with Parking Credits;

“SUNWAY Super App and SUNWAY Points” (previously known as Sunway Pals) are owned and operated by SUNWAY PALS Loyalty Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 914000-K), a company incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act 1965 (The Company);

"Top Up" means the transaction of adding Parking Credits to SUNWAY Points Card conducted at any authorized Top Up Kiosk by Member;

“Total Invoice Value” means the total amount charged by a Merchant for purchase of goods or services at a Merchant’s outlet after deduction of any applicable discounts and rebates while for an F&B outlet, after the addition of service charges and government service tax or any other taxes as imposed under the applicable law;

“Sunway Super App and Website” means the mobile application and website owned and operated by Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd in relation to the Programme and located at Apple App Store , Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery Store and or any other addresses which The Company deems fit from time to time.




1.1)  Membership is open to residents of Malaysia and expatriates residing in Malaysia only.


1.2)  Membership is open to individuals who are 13 years of age and above.


1.3)  An eligible individual may sign up and register for the Programme with Sunway Points through the Website or by any other methods that Sunway Points may decide to implement and establish from time to time and may then earn Points on various purchases at participating Merchants’ outlets upon and subject to these Terms and Conditions;


1.4)  By signing and submitting the application of membership, the applicants accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions.


1.5)  Membership and Members’ entitlement to membership benefits and privileges of the Programme, including the redemption of Points and Rewards, shall be in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


1.6)  Approval and grant of membership shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of Sunway Points.


1.7)  Each eligible individual shall only apply for and hold one (1) valid Card only as a Member at any one time. Each member will be issued a form of Membership Identification which Sunway Points deems fit.


1.8)  Sunway Points reserves the right to reject additional or multiple applications if Sunway Points determines in its sole and absolute discretion that the applications are made by the same person.


1.9)  In valuing the customers, the membership is FREE from any registration, joining, or membership charges. Notwithstanding this, Sunway Points reserves the right to apply any charges and member fees at any time as it deems fit.


1.10) By signing up to the Sunway Points Loyalty Programme, member covenants that he/she has received consent from their guardian/parent where required.


1.11)The Sunway Points Loyalty Programme offers two (2) membership tiers as follows:

        a) an entry membership tier known as “Classic”;

        b) a premier membership tier known as “Platinum”.


1.12) Certain Points earned under the Sunway Points Loyalty Programme shall be designated as “Qualifying Points”. Such Qualifying Points shall exclude Points issued by designated marketing campaigns, refunds, appeasements and such other events to be determined by Sunway Points in its sole discretion.


1.13) Qualifying Points earned between 1 January to 30 June in a calendar year shall qualify you for an upgrade to the applicable membership tier from 1 July to 31 December of that calendar year.


1.14) Qualifying Points earned between 1 July to 31 December in a calendar year shall qualify you for an upgrade to the applicable membership tier from 1 January to 30 June of the subsequent calendar year.


1.15) Upon expiration of your membership tenure in a particular tier and if you have not earned sufficient Qualifying Points to be retained in that tier, you shall be downgraded to the applicable membership tier.


1.16) The benefits and privileges of each membership tier shall be as set out from time to time in the Application.






2.1) The use of SUNWAY SUPER APP Card by Members shall be in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and instruction of Sunway Points, as notified from time to time.


2.2) SUNWAY SUPER APP Card, the Points, Parking Credits and all the benefits and privileges of membership are non-transferable and non-assignable to third parties and exclusively reserved for the Members.


2.3) SUNWAY SUPER APP Card shall not be pledged by any Member as security for any purpose whatsoever.


2.4) SUNWAY SUPER APP Card is and shall at all times remain the property of Sunway Points and shall be returned to Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd immediately upon cancellation or termination of membership and may be repossessed by Sunway Points at any time for any reason as Sunway Points deems fit.



3.1)   Awarding of Points:

          Member will be awarded 1 point for every RM1.00 of the “Total Invoice Value” (if any value after decimal, to be rounded down to the nearest RM1.00) from purchase of goods/services at a Merchant’s outlet, unless otherwise stated.


3.2)    Redemption of Points:

Members can use the redeemable Points on 1 point = RM0.01 basis to redeem against purchases made at Merchant’s outlets, unless otherwise stated.


3.3)   A Member’s Account must be in good standing upon the time of redemption or awarding.


3.4)    A Member may redeem the Points earned at all Merchants’ outlets or at any other places or method specified by Sunway Points from time to time. Member may refer to the current list of Merchants which is available on the Website or Mobile Applications or any other sources as determined by Sunway Points.


3.5)    When a Member redeems his/her Points, the Points shall be utilized on first in first out basis.


3.6)    A Member may redeem his/her Points in full or partially to settle the Total Invoice Value, subject to the compliance with the procedures for redemption.


3.7)    For a partial redemption, the remaining unpaid Total Invoice Value is payable by the Member to the Merchant in the normal course of business (either by cash or credit card, as required by the Merchant) and the Member will earn Points on the Total Invoice Value.


3.8)    Sunway Points Loyalty reserves the right to suspend a transaction and/or reallocate, recalculate, reverse or adjust the Points or take any necessary action, with or without any notice in the event that Sunway Points has a reasonable ground to suspect that the Points were awarded, earned or redeemed fraudulently or in error.


3.9)    Points are not exchangeable for cash and cannot be converted to cash.


3.10) The member will be entitled for Point awards and a Merchant may perform an offline Point awarding transaction under certain circumstances as verified and confirmed by Sunway Points.


3.11)  A Member may check the history and record of Points’ accumulation, current Points balance, any other relevant information available under the Account at the Members’ own risk through Website, or any other methods as Sunway Points may decide to establish from time to time.


3.12) A Member shall frequently review his/her Account to check and verify the correctness and  accuracy of current Points balance.


3.13) There shall be no awarding of retrospective Points for backdated receipts. Points are only awarded   for receipts/purchases made on the day of purchase.


3.14)   Points will be awarded or redeemed at the rate as agreed between Sunway Points and the Merchant  when a Member purchases goods or services at the Merchant’s outlets which may vary among the Merchants.



3.15)    The Points shall automatically expire and become invalid upon expiry of 24 months from the date   of transaction. Members are encouraged to redeem their accumulated points before the expiry date.


3.16)    Any accepted redemption shall not be cancelled and the redeemed Rewards are not exchangeable for cash and non-returnable, unless otherwise stated. Any dispute concerning goods and services received as Reward shall be settled between the Member and the Merchant, service establishment and/or supplier, from which the goods or services were purchased. Sunway Points will bear no responsibility for resolving such disputes, or for the dispute itself.


3.17)    Upon confirmation of redemption, the available Points for redemption will be recalculated for the Member’s account.


3.18)    The Programmed and all Rewards are subject to availability and further subject to all applicable rules and terms and conditions (including booking requirements, cancellation restrictions, return conditions, warranties and limitations of liability) imposed by the respective Merchant and Sunway Points.


3.19)    Sunway Points shall neither be liable nor held to be liable for any claims, loss, costs, expenses or damages or whatever nature resulting from the redemption of any of the Point or Rewards by the Members.


3.20)    Sunway Points shall make no representation or warranty (either express or implied) of any kind with regards to the condition, fitness for purposes, merchantable quality or otherwise of any products or goods or services or any Rewards supplied by Merchants or third party.


3.21)    Sunway Points shall not be responsible for any failure or delay by a merchant or third party to supply such Reward.


3.22)    Points can be redeemed once they are credited into the Membership account of the Member. Redeemable Points will be recorded in the Member’s account after three (3) calendar days (depending on merchant’s infrastructure) from the time of the purchase.


3.23)    Sunway Points shall be disclaimed for any delay in the posting of the transactions, the accrual and/or accumulation of the Points.


3.24)    All awarding or redemptions of Points are subject to Merchant’s final acceptance.


3.25)    In the event of any refund or purchase/order cancellation in relation to any purchase of goods or services, the Merchant may deduct the whole or part of the Points in the Account for such refund or cancellation at it deems fit subject to the Merchant’s policy.


4.1) Eligibility:
Eligible member will be able to convert their points once the minimum points tier is met.


4.2) Points tiering:
There is 5 points-tier for exchange of points, as below:


Sunway Points to Enrich Miles













Enrich Miles to Sunway Points












4.3) Duration of exchange:
Once members submitted their request for exchange of points, it will be within 14 working days for the points to be successfully exchanged.


4.4) Unsuccessful Conversion:
Sunway Points will be credited back into member's account for unsuccessful request.


4.5) Points Conversion Conditions:
Sunway Points conversion to be capped at RM80 per member per month.





5.1) Co-brand means physical or virtual Membership card issued jointly by Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd (The Company) and its Merchant partner (Co-brand partner) to the Merchant's members


5.2) The Management of The Company and the Co-brand partner is defined as “Co-brand Program Manager”


5.3) Unless stated otherwise in writing by The Company and/or Co-brand Merchants, it is at the sole discretion of the Co-Brand partner to provide Co-brand programme benefits and terms and conditions. Co-brand Members are advised to read and fully understand the Co-brand programme Terms & Conditions from the Co-brand partner’s website.


5.4) The Co-brand Programme Manager has the right to deduct points for any transaction or purchase that is returned in full or in part. This also applies to exchanges or products, unless the trade is for points-equivalent products.


5.5) Co-brand card and points, in whatever form they take, are issued by and remain the property of the Co-brand Programme Manager, which reserves the right to terminate, change, or amend the Co-Brand Programme terms and conditions at any time.


5.6) The Co-brand Programme Manager is not liable to Members for any indirect, consequential, or economic losses, loss of profits, loss of opportunity, or punitive damages of any kind.





6.1)    Members may Top Up the Parking Credits by paying cash at Top Up kiosks which are located in the designated areas.


6.2)    SUNWAY SUPER APP Card must contain a minimum Parking Credits balance of RM10.00 in order to enter into the car park.


6.3)    Members shall use SUNWAY SUPER APP Card, Parking Credits and Parking Services at their own risk.


6.4)    Members shall abide by the applicable car parking rules and regulations from the moment that the Member enter into the respective car park.


6.5)    Parking Credits is not applicable for valet parking and motorcycle parking.


6.6)    Points are convertible to Parking Credits.


6.7)    For the purpose of converting points into Parking Credits, Sunway Points parking conversion must be in the denomination of 1,000 Sunway Points while maintaining a minimum balance of 1,000 Sunway Points in the account: -

For example, if a member has the below:
Points available in your account: 10,500 points
Minimum Points to be maintained in account = 1,000
Points balance: 10,500 – 1,000 = 9,500 points
Convertible points: 9,000 (denomination of 1,000 points)
Parking credit: RM90
Final point balance: 1,500 points


6.8)    Once the Points have been converted into Parking Credits, they are not allowed to be converted to cash and non-refundable, unless otherwise stated.


6.9)    Sunway Points and the Car Park Operator shall not honour any unauthorized use of SUNWAY SUPER APP Card and Sunway Points shall forthwith invalidate SUNWAY SUPER APP Card at its sole discretion.


6.10) If there is no Parking Transaction for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months (“Dormant Period”), Sunway is entitled to deactivate the account for Parking Credits and Member may not be able to use Parking Credits to pay any parking fees.


6.11) SPLSB shall levy an administrative fee of Ringgit Malaysia Five Only (RM5.00) (“the Deactivation Fee”) upon deactivation. This Deactivation Fee shall be deducted from the Parking Credits balance.


6.12) SPLSB shall further levy a maintenance fee of Ringgit Malaysia Five Only (RM5.00) (“the Maintenance Fee”) at every succeeding six (6) monthly intervals after the Dormant Period if there is no Parking Transaction within said interval. This Maintenance Fee shall be continuously deducted from the Parking Credits balance until the Parking Transaction is resumed by the Member.


6.13) Sunway Points reserves the right without incurring any liability in whatsoever form and manner to suspend the usage of SUNWAY SUPER APP Card for Parking Services at any given time in the event that any technical failure occurs in the Parking Services network or the Parking Services are being upgraded, modified or maintained.


7.1)    Subject to these Terms and Conditions, refund of balance of Parking Credits balance will be made by Sunway Super App only upon the cancellation or termination of membership or the Programme. To obtain the refund from Sunway Super App, Members are required to fill up the prerequisite refund form at SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter and provide the supporting documents together correct and complete bank account details in order to facilitate the refund process.


7.2)    Sunway Super App will levy a processing fee of Ringgit Malaysia Six Only (“Processing Fee”) upon the refund. All the details of bank account as provided by the Member in the refund form shall be deemed as complete and correct.


7.3)    Sunway Super App will refund the balance of Parking Credits in the Member’s account (after deduction of Processing Fee) within thirty (30) days upon the submission of the refund form by Members (subject to the approval from management).


7.4)    No refund of Parking Credits nor compensation will be made in the event of:

i) any unlawful act, unauthorized use and/or cloning of SUNWAY SUPER APP Cards; or

ii) any point conversion into Parking Credits



8.1) In the event that the Card is lost, stolen or damaged, Member must promptly report to SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter in person or by email via [email protected] or calling SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter at no. 03 – 56333988 as soon as reasonably practicably and followed by written notification with supporting documents addressed to Sunway Super App at the address described below to safeguard the Member’s account and privileges.


8.2) Sunway Points will take safety measures by deactivating the lost, stolen or damaged Card or any information stored under the Account within reasonable time upon Member’s notification. Sunway Points disclaim its liabilities on any losses or damages (either directly or indirectly) that may be suffered by the Member arising from the safety measures taken by Sunway Points or any delay in invalidating the Card.


8.3) Sunway Points will assist in reactivating the account and replace the lost, stolen or damaged card. A non-refundable replacement fee of RM6.00 will be charged for the reactivation and replacement. Upon the reactivation, Sunway Points may at its absolute and sole discretion to transfer the Points balance, or any information stored under the Account to the replacement.


8.4) Members are advised to lodge a police report as soon as possible to substantiate the claim.



9.1) A member may cancel or terminate the Membership at SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter by returning the Card (if holding any) to Sunway Pals Loyalty Sdn Bhd and completing the required form.


9.2) Members shall opt to clear the remaining points as all Points balance recorded in the Account and redeemable Rewards will be automatically forfeited upon cancellation or termination of the Membership.


10. Dispute


10.1)    If there is any dispute on a Points transaction, Parking Transaction or Parking Services, a member must complete the particular request form and submit the forms with supporting documents as required at SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter within seven (7) days from the date of transaction or dispute. Any submission after the seven (7) days will not be accepted.


10.2)    Sunway Points may at its sole and absolute discretion to settle the disputes as it deems fit. The decision by Sunway Points shall be final and conclusive. Sunway Points shall not be liable or responsible for any breach of any duty of care owed to such Member by any of Sunway Point’s employees, staff or authorized personnel or any indirect, consequential or economic losses, loss of profits, loss of opportunity or punitive damages of any kind.



11.1)    These Terms and Conditions govern the membership (including awards, redemption and use of Points and Rewards by Members and also Parking Services) and set out the agreement between Sunway Points and each Member with regards to the Programme.


11.2)    All Members agree that the Privacy Notice as stated on the Website shall form part of these Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by Members shall constitute the acceptance of the Privacy Notice. Sunway Points reserves the right to amend or supplement the Privacy Notice from time to time. Any amendments to the Privacy Notice will be posted on the Website.


11.3)    All Members and applicants are advised to read the Privacy Notice before accepting these Terms and Conditions.


11.4)    The accuracy of personal information shall be verified by Members and Members shall notify Sunway Points upon any changes on their personal information.


11.5)    Member information such as Name, IC/Passport and Email must be updated in your Sunway Super App Account to be eligible to participate in Sunway Points Campaigns and for verification in cases of any dispute.


11.6)    Sunway Super App and the Merchants reserve the right to request the Member to produce his/her Member Identification and personal identification (including MyKad or Passport) to facilitate the Points transaction and for verification purposes in accordance to the Privacy Notice.


11.7)    Sunway Points reserves the rights at its sole and absolute discretion to amend or delete any of these Terms and Conditions at any time as it deems fits without prior notification to Members. Any variations, addition or amendment to these Terms and Conditions will be posted via the Website not later than seven (7) days prior to the effective date of such amendments. Continuing use of SUNWAY SUPER APP Card and engage with the membership by Members shall constitute acceptance of any variation, addition, or amendments to these Terms and Conditions and Member shall be bound by the same.


11.8)    Members have the obligations to check the Website for updates of Terms and Conditions from time to time.




11.9)    Sunway reserves the right, at any time to vary, modify, replace, substitute or terminate Programme or any Rewards, benefits, features or privileges under the Programme or withdraw Points from use without prior notification to Members and without being liable in any way to Members.


11.10)  Sunway Points may at its sole and absolute discretion the memberships without prior notification and forfeit all the Points balance recorded in the Account and redeemable Rewards and reject any refund in the events of including but not limited to :-

i)   A member accrues, redeems, or uses SUNWAY SUPER APP Card, Membership (including any benefits and privileges) or the Points for any unlawful or fraudulent activity or in other manners which Sunway Points determines to be improper;

ii) A member breaches any of these terms and conditions;

iii) A member is deceased or is declared a bankrupt; or

iv) A member does anything which may in the opinion of Sunway Points lead to the damage to the Parking Services or the property of Sunway or Car Park Operator.


11.11)  Sunway, its subsidiaries, related companies, Merchant and its service providers, or agents shall not be liable for any cost, expense, loss or damages, whether direct or indirect, special or consequential or loss of business, revenue or profits, injury or damage to property or any nature suffered by Members or any authorized person by Members arising from :-

i) any omission, error or inaccuracy of record, awarding or redemption of points or Points

                balance including as a result of failure or breakdown of any Electronic Equipment used in

                connection with the Programme;

ii) any technical malfunction, operator fault, error, deficiency, defects of the SUNWAY SUPER APP Card or any part thereof;

iii) any act, error, delay or default in carrying the parking services and the Programme;
iv) withdrawal of any benefits or privileges conferred on Members under the Programme;
v)  any act, omission, error of its service provider, agents, employees, sub-contractor, business

                 partners or Car Park Operator;

vi) any claim for libel, slander, infringement of any intellectual property rights arising from the

                transmission and receipt of material in connection with the Parking Services and any claims

                arising out of any act or omission of Members;

vii) any suspension, deactivation, termination or cancellation of account or membership;
viii) usage of Parking Services by Members; and

ix) any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Sunway Points.

Sunway Points or Merchant may refuse a request for awarding or redemption of Points on any transaction in the events as set out in (i), (ii) or (vii) above.


11.12) Members are responsible for the security of their Membership Identification. Sunway Points accepts no liability for the disclosure of the Membership Identification by the Member to a third party, whether intentionally or otherwise. Sunway Points reserves the right to protect an account from being accessed if Sunway Points has reasonable grounds to believe that the security of the particular account has been breached or at the risk of exposure.


11.13) While Sunway Points uses reasonable efforts to include up-to-date information in the Website and in all its publications, Sunway Points makes no warranties or representations as to their accuracy, reliability, completeness or otherwise. The contents, materials, products or other services available in Sunway Points publications or accessible through the Website are on “as is” and “as available” basis. Sunway Points disclaims all warranties (express or implied) including but not limited to, merchantability, fitness for purpose and non-infringement, in relation to the contents, materials, products or other services published in any of its publications or available on the Website.


11.14) Sunway Points does not warrant that the Website will be error-free, free of viruses, bugs, online interruption or other harmful threats. Members are responsible to implement security measures in their computers or mobile devices before accessing the Website. Sunway Points shall not be liable in any way for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, consequential or other damage howsoever arising out of any of the following;

a) the use of, or access to, the Website;

b) delay or inability to use or access the Website; and/or

c) any content, information, material, products or services published in, posted on, advertised in or obtained through Sunway Points publications or the Website or otherwise.


11.15) Notice of any matter in relation to the Programme shall be deemed informed/delivered to Members via any one of the methods as follows:

a) by posting on the Website;

b) by sending an email to Members who have provided email address to Sunway;

c) by publication in a newspaper;

d) by short messaging services (SMS); or

e) by Mobile Applications.


11.16) All notices, requests and/or other communications to be given by Members to Sunway Points under these Terms and Conditions must be communicated in writing and sent by hand, registered post, courier or other postal service or electronic mail (e-mail) to the following address:

SUNWAY SUPER APP Membership Counter, First Floor (F1.55A)

Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall

No. 3, Jalan PJS 11/15

            Bandar Sunway,

47500 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Careline: 03-5633 3988

E-mail: [email protected]


11.17) Sunway Points may further establish rules, procedures and policies in relation to any matter regarding the Programme, all of which shall form part of the Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions as set out herein shall prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other documents, statements, rules, procedures, policies or communications issued by Sunway Points, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and advertising or promotional materials. These Terms and Conditions together with the aforesaid further rules, procedures and policies shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding between Sunway Points and the Members with respect to the Programme and shall not be subject to any other agreement, understanding, warranty or representation not expressly contained or referred to in these Terms and Conditions and the aforesaid further rules, procedures and policies.














11.18)   Loyalty rewards is now categorized as limited purpose e-money issuer (LP EMI) and fall under category 2/ item 2:

(b) In relation to the category of limited purpose electronic money listed under item 2 of the Schedule, the person who issues such limited purpose electronic money shall –

(i) comply with all requirements under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the subsidiary   legislation made under that Act;

(ii) provide clear and prominent disclosures to users or potential users that its business of issuing limited purpose electronic money shall not subject to the requirements applicable to an issuer of electronic money approved by the Bank under section 11 of the Act;

(iii) provide a mechanism for complaints and dispute resolution to users or potential users; and

(iv) subject to the terms and conditions as determined by the person who issues the limited purpose electronic money, facilitate the transfer of any amount of stored funds in the user’s limited purpose electronic money account opened with the person who issues the limited purpose electronic money into any bank account of the user;


                Click for more information :


11.19) If any of the provision herein contained should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable under any applicable law, the legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired in any way and such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be deemed deleted.


11.20) No delay or indulgence by Sunway Points in enforcing any term or condition of these Terms and Conditions nor the granting of time by Sunway Points to Members shall prejudice the rights or powers of Sunway Points nor shall any waiver by Sunway Points of any breach constitute a continuing waiver in respect of any subsequent or continuing breach.


11.21) These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Malaysia and Members shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.